Tea Caddy

Tea Caddy

“My dear if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a
head I should better understand your affairs.”

Charles Dickens

In the beginning… there was tea… 
Core to this afternoon ritual, tea takes centre stage. 

The sketch tea master introduces a collection of teas that gather together 
the world’s finest leaves and their unique aromas.


75g Caddy - £14

Assam Breakfast
Assam, India
A robust black breakfast tea: rich, malty and rousing.
This breakfast tea perfectly combines the rich malty flavours of the best Assam with the deep, uncompromising strength needed to start your day.
Enjoy with or without milk.

4g per 250ml / brew for 3-5 minutes / water 95+°C (203+°F) water

Quantity must be 1 or more